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Cycles of privilege in education


Concept checklist: Destitution

What is sociology?

If you’re just getting started on your sociological journey, find out what it’s all about and why it is important

© Victor/

Sociology is the study of human social relationships and the structures and institutions that support them. There, I have said it — and that sounds incredibly dull, don’t you think? You might believe right now (as I would) that I would much rather go to the park, or watch a movie and get a takeaway, than study this kind of sociology.

But sociology in practice is quite the opposite to dull. Take my word for it. When you get into it, you will soon realise that everything you do, and any social situation you find yourself in, every story you read online or in the press, and any TV show you watch, is amenable to — demands — a sociological analysis. And just applying some basic insights from sociology can make the whole thing much clearer and more obvious. The world and how it really works will start to make a lot more sense. Trust me.

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Cycles of privilege in education


Concept checklist: Destitution

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