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Applying sociology: The case of ‘generation vape’


Doing ethnography online: a lockdown research case study


How to get full marks in AQA 4-mark and 6-mark exam questions

Review some key skills and pitfalls


This article explores how you can make sure that you achieve full marks for the ‘outline two…’ or ‘outline three…’ questions that appear on AQA Paper 1 on ‘Education’ and Paper 3 on ‘Crime and deviance’. Many students lose marks on these questions by making a number of errors which can be overcome with careful preparation and practice. Remember that you have around 6 minutes to answer a 4-mark question and 9 minutes to answer a 6-mark question. Be careful not to spend too little or too much time on any one answer.

For the 4-mark questions, all 4 marks are for AO1 ‘Knowledge and understanding’. For the 6-mark questions, there are 3 marks awarded for AO1 and 3 marks awarded for AO2

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Applying sociology: The case of ‘generation vape’


Doing ethnography online: a lockdown research case study

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