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Question and answer: How to get full marks in AQA 4-mark and 6-mark exam questions


Understanding data: Global measures of educational performance

Doing ethnography online

A lockdown research case study

What happens when traditional approaches to doing ethnographic research become impossible? You adapt, of course

■ Sociological methods

On 23 March 2020, Boris Johnson (the UK’s then-prime minister) broadcast the following, historic statement: ‘From this evening, I must give the British people a very simple instruction — you must stay at home.’ On 1 April, just a week after the UK’s first Covid-19 ‘lockdown’ was announced, I was due to start ethnographic fieldwork for a research project on social care practitioners and the migrant families they support. But how were we to continue this qualitative research during the pandemic?

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Question and answer: How to get full marks in AQA 4-mark and 6-mark exam questions


Understanding data: Global measures of educational performance

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