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Informal settlements: the case of Maputo, Mozambique


Question and answer: Essays


Using generative AI within the NEA

© peshkova/

You certainly will have noticed the rise of generative AI (artificial intelligence) and chatbots. In fact, you will most likely have used them to support your work at school or college. In a previous GEOGRAPHY REVIEW, this author used the technology to help with topic ideas.

The rise of generative AI has the potential for a profound impact on the ways in which we learn, work and, in the context of geography A-level, produce our independent NEAs (Non-Examined Assessments). But AI is not without its problems or critics. In education, chatbot and generative AI are causing strong and divided feelings. One view is that, when used in the right way, AI can be a ‘friend’ to learning and an amazing tool for students and is not something to be feared. An alternative position is that teachers (or other stakeholders) might be tricked, and that students may present work produced using the technology while pretending it was created by them.

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Informal settlements: the case of Maputo, Mozambique


Question and answer: Essays

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