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Rebranding Arran


Gullies in Madagascar

question and answer

This Question and Answer examines an AS human geography question for AQA (from the May 2009 Unit 1 Physical and Human Geography paper, GEOG1). The focus of the question is population change, particularly migration. These topics are common on other specifications, such as Edexcel, so this Question and Answer will be useful to any A-level student. The parts of the question are printed in bold type and the student’s answers are in italics. The examiner’s comments are the responsibility of GEOGRAPHY REVIEW and have neither been provided nor approved by the examination board. Cameron Dunn writes here in a personal capacity.

Figure 1 Population migration change in countries in the European Union (EU) between 2004 and 2005

Examination questions at AS are frequently divided into sub-parts. In the example reviewed here, the question is divided into four parts. These follow an ‘incline of difficulty’. Part (a) (i) is a relatively straightforward question worth 4 marks whereas part (c) is an extended writing question worth 15 marks.

Parts (a) and (c) have a data-stimulus component. Candidates are asked to use Figures 1 and 2 to help form their answers. When answering part (b) candidates are more ‘on their own’ as the question does not make reference to a figure.

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Rebranding Arran


Gullies in Madagascar

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