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The Importance of Being Earnest and To the Lighthouse


Mistakes to avoid when writing an essay

study skills

Beginning an essay, building an argument

Sally Bayley teaches essaywriting skills. Here she shows how to structure the opening of an essay, and how to make the transition between A-level and undergraduate English essay writing

Tilda Swinton as Orlando (1992)

Go online (see back cover) for an examiner’s step-by-step guide to essay writing

The prospect of beginning an essay is daunting for any of us. Where to start? I always tell my students to quickly set down a well-chosen example that can act as a ground-root for the rest of the essay. An essay is a discussion of an idea and in an English literature essay that means a discussion of texts, both primary and secondary, with the aim of forging a critical relationship between them. So begin with a piece of text that will ground you quickly in your main idea. From that example you can begin to build your critical language which will act as your holding frame.

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The Importance of Being Earnest and To the Lighthouse


Mistakes to avoid when writing an essay

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