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Balance of payments


Using demand and supply analysis to identify different product types

Understanding unemployment: causes, measures and policy responses

Employment is a top priority for the UK government and an important contributor to achieving a stable and successful economy. Catherine Youds examines the causes of unemployment and the policy choices available to government to achieve their macroeconomic objectives

Economic stability occurs when there is low volatility in key macroeconomic indicators such as prices, jobs, economic growth, interest rates, investment and trade. Levels of employment are an important contributor to achieving a stable and successful economy.

The UK government has employment as one of its key macroeconomic objectives, with the aim of achieving high levels of employment. The government wants to achieve an increase in the employment rate and eventually a situation where all those able and available to work can find meaningful work. However, unlike the macroeconomic objective for inflation, the UK government does not set a specific target for unemployment.

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Balance of payments


Using demand and supply analysis to identify different product types

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